
We Can Give You a Stunning, Unforgettable Smile

Before you ever speak a word, your smile makes a statement. With cosmetic dentistry, you can control what your smile says. If you have chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth that keep you from sharing your smile, talk with Dr. Jina L. Kaiser about cosmetic dentistry. In just a few visits, we can give you a stunning, unforgettable smile. Combining skill and creative vision, Dr. Kaiser removes imperfections to create a unique smile that will reflect your personality.

Why Choose Jina L. Kaiser, DDS for Cosmetic Dentistry?

✔ Gentle Dentist with 20+ Years of Experience

✔ Cozy Dental Office with Relaxing Amenities Available

✔ In-Office & Take-Home Teeth Whitening to Choose From



Veneers are constructed from thin, high-quality shells of dental porcelain that are both stain resistant and durable. What’s more, your veneers can be designed to match the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth. When they’re finished, your custom restorations will be affixed to the surface of teeth in what we call the “smile zone.” The entire process takes just two to three appointments in our Dallas dental office.

To design your fabulous smile, Dr. Kaiser will work with you to design veneers that complement your appearance and personality. It all starts with a consultation visit at our Dallas dental office. During that visit, Dr. Kaiser will complete an oral exam and talk to you about the changes you want to make to your smile. We’ll also answer any questions or concerns you might have. We want you to be completely comfortable with any procedure we propose beforehand.

When your veneers are finished, you can look forward to enjoying results that look natural. That’s because of how porcelain reflects light. Following your procedure, you can go back to your normal schedule with an improved sense of confidence and a smile that will turn heads and last for years to come.

Metal-Free Restorations


Just because you need to have a broken or decayed tooth fixed doesn’t mean the people around you have to know. With composite resin fillings and porcelain crowns, Dr. Kaiser can expertly design your dental restorations so that they blend right in with your smile as a whole. Better yet, these restorations are metal-free, so they’re less likely to cause temperature sensitivity and there’s zero risk of mercury exposure.

Direct Bonding

Minor tooth chips, cracks, stains, and even small gaps between teeth can often be corrected in a single visit with direct bonding. One of the simplest and most affordable cosmetic dental services, direct bonding utilizes the same composite resin material used in cavity fillings. Dr. Kaiser sculpts this substance over the imperfection in question, hardens it with a curing light in just a few seconds, and voila! Your tooth appears flawless.

Teeth Whitening


Some people seem to have been born with a naturally vibrant smile. But no matter how naturally beautiful your smile may be, life can take its toll over the years. Things we may come into contact with every day, like certain foods or beverages, plus tobacco, and even certain medications, can cause stains that darken the surfaces of teeth. Coffee is one of the biggest offenders, as are tea, red wine, and dark-colored soft drinks. Over-the-counter whitening products can offer some helps, but in most cases, it takes a professional whitening system to effectively renew a smile’s natural whiteness. That’s why, at Dr. Kaiser's Dallas dental office, we offer professional in-office and take-home teeth whitening solutions.

Whitening a smile with in-office teeth whitening takes just over an hour with the UltraDent Boost system. In that time, the surfaces of your teeth will take on a whiter, brighter appearance that is up to eight shades better than it was before. That’s because UltraDent Boost contains a 38-percent hydrogen peroxide concentration, compared to the typical 3 to 10 percent found in the products at your local pharmacy or grocery store. After a single one-hour appointment at our Dallas office, you’ll enjoy immediate results that will improve the appearance of teeth and enhance your confidence.

In-office teeth whitening isn’t for everyone, though. Some patients prefer to whiten at their own pace. That’s why Dr. Kaiser can also provide a prescription-strength home whitening kit. With a home whitening kit, our Dallas-area patients can still achieve the kind of stunning results that in-office whitening can but over the course of several days instead of a single hour. As part of that process, we will create custom bleaching trays and supply a potent whitening gel with your kit. To whiten your smile with this option you’ll simply need to apply a thin layer of the solution to the trays and then wear them as directed every day. You may start to see an improvement in how your smile looks right away, though it can take between two to four weeks for you to get your smile at its absolute whitest.

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